Oleg Andreev, software designer and security developer, in an article published on his personal blog, compared bitcoin with various economic, social, economic assets, technologies and phenomena, and examined their differences and similarities. In his article, Andrew first outlines the similarities and then the differences between Bitcoin and each of these phenomena. To read this article, stay tuned to Digital Currency. Bitcoin is like cash. Bitcoin transaction is non-refundable and you are fully responsible for it. If you lose or forget your wallet private key, you will lose your property. You can give bitcoin to someone to keep it for you, but like a bank, you have to trust these people and make sure they do not run away with your money. Bitcoin is not like cash. You can store as many bitcoins as you want and they will not take up any space unlike physical cash. You can send it to anyone via wired or radio communication. Bitcoin counterfeiting is impossible. The transaction will...